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Your Trusted Partner
Virtual Office Manager
HR | ADM | Accounting & Bookkeeping
Specialized in Banking & Finance Industry
Hong Kong
PLUS 1 Group Ltd is a Hong Kong based online HR consulting (except recruitment) and business services firm. It is linked with a group of experienced professionals with proven track records in Finance Industry.
PLUS 1 Group Ltd是位於香港的網上人力資源諮詢(招聘除外)和商業服務公司,專注於金融行業。
Our strategic integrated services aim to partner with you in full business development cycle that starting from startups to large firms at business unit level. 我們的策略集成服務旨在與您共同合作,從創業公司到業務部門級別的大型公司,期望在整個業務發展週期中與您成長。
Planning ahead is always a key to success especially during this turbulence time. Flexible and remote working mode will be the trend by leveraging technologies to boost business operational efficiency. Please get in touch with us to know how we can help in your success. 提前計劃始終是成功的關鍵,特別是在當前動盪時期。靈活的遠程工作模式將成為利用技術來提高業務運營效率的趨勢。歡迎聯繫,讓我們了解如何為您公司提供建議及協助。
Let's connect and work together !
Introductory Consultation
Strategic Planning Session
Project Monitoring & Execution

Expert Guidance
Do you
plan to develop business but not sure where to start ?
need help in planning or executing next project?
think of lean business operation ?
Grow Your Business
We will
understand your need and provide suitable solutions that base on business development cycle.
combine our insights and skills to transform your processes and strategies .
Achieve Your Goals
We will partner with you
to ensure strategic plan is able to land on the ground.
to analysis the cost/benefit matrix for sustainable growth.
Please contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.
Contact Us
PLUS 1 Group Ltd
Unit 2302, 23/F, 193 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong